Weaving Mathematics and Culture into Danish Hearts


  • Rachel Chioda Dauphin County Technical School
  • Julie Killian Middletown Area High school


Woven from simple paper shapes, Danish Christmas hearts provide teachers with opportunities to engage their students in ethnomathematical inquiry. After providing cultural background and explaining how to create the hearts, the authors discuss an activity where students explore the symmetries present in the hearts and provide extensions applicable to students in grades 1-12+.


Bassett, L. L., & Smith, A. W. (1924). Helpful hints for the rural teacher, and teachers of all lower grades. Valley City, ND: Smith and Bassett.

D’Ambrosio, U. (2001). What is ethnomathematics, and how can it help children in schools? Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(6), 308-310.

Danish immigration. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.danishmuseum.org/explore/danish-american-culture/immigration

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common core state standards for mathematics. Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org

Stehling, S. (2012). Send a heartfelt hello. Hopscotch, 24(4), 46-47.

Williams, L. (n.d.). P4m wallpaper pattern. Retrieved from http://math.mercyhurst.edu/~lwilliams/WallpaperGroups/p4m.php




How to Cite

Chioda, R., & Killian, J. (2019). Weaving Mathematics and Culture into Danish Hearts. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 81(1). Retrieved from https://ohiomathjournal.org/index.php/OJSM/article/view/6872


